Slowdowns and connectivity issues
Status Report Update State Resolved
Jul 26 at 11:16pm BST
Platform stability and speed has now been restored to normal, while key functionality is operating as expected.
Data from partner queues is also now being ingested and back-dated.
Thank you for your patience while our team worked through the issues this week.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API
Status Report Update State Updated
Jul 25 at 11:40pm BST
Emails broadcasts are now being processed through the Airship platform normally again.
We still have some remaining delays on ingest of data from partner data queues, which our team is working on resolving.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API
Status Report Update State Updated
Jul 24 at 07:28pm BST
Our engineering team were earlier able to bring Rewards performance back online.
We are still working on improving the speed of the dashboard and reducing the delay of email broadcasts being processed, which have been experiencing slow-downs this afternoon.
Thank you for your patience while the team works through the remaining issues.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API
Status Report Update State Updated
Jul 23 at 08:18pm BST
Some improvements have been made to speed and stability throughout this afternoon, though many parts of the platform still remain slow. In particular, Airship Rewards is suffering from connectivity issues.
Our engineering team is conturing to work round the clock to resolve all remaining issues.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API
Status Report Update State Updated
Jul 23 at 12:22pm BST
Our team is continuing to work on this issue, and have located the issue.
Note that redemption of some POS voucher codes may also be affected due to intermittent time-outs on our API.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API
Status Report Update State Created
Jul 23 at 10:50am BST
We are aware of various connection issues on Airship as a result of the platform migration.
This is affecting the Airship dashboard, some email content, Rewards and Forms.
We are working on a resolution as a priority.
Affected services
Airship Dashboard
Airship Forms
Airship REST API